Data privacy

Your data is in good hands with us... - this is why

 Your data is in good hands with us... - this is why

Here you can find out how we handle personal data. The explanations are intended for everyone who visits our website, contacts us or participates in our various offers of events whether in person or online. This privacy policy does not apply to our recruiting activities or the processing of personal data in Schneider AI by our subscribers.

Data protection law, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is valid in the EU, is a daily instrument for us. As specialists in human resources, the protection of personal data is a key requirement for us.

We are:

Schneider AI
Lichtenbergstr. 6
85748 Garching b. München

And we are responsible for this website, its content and any processing of personal data that happens on it.

You can reach our data protection team at our postal address and by email at info@Schneider

Our data protection principles:

  • We disclose our cards (transparent data processing)
  • We only process the data that we need for our work and our business (minimized data processing)
  • We only process data if we have a purpose and a legal basis for doing so (purpose-related and legitimate)
  • We secure our systems against intrusion and cyber-crime (secure and with integrity)
  • We work with reliable service providers (responsible)
  • We process data only as long as necessary (limited in time)
  • We do not process sensitive data like racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs and the like.
  • We do not process any data from children as the use of our website and our offers is not intended for people under the age of 16.
  • We do not profile you or make decisions based on automated processes such as artificial intelligence.
  • Your provision of personal data is neither legally nor contractually required. Without your data, however, we cannot provide you with any information or offer you any services, or conclude a contract.

We store and process your personal data

When contacting us or visiting our website whether because you are curious about us and what we do or because you are looking for something specific or perhaps because you are browsing the internet and our paths crossed, so it happens that we collect and process some of your data. And because of this, please let us tell you what we do, how we do it and why we do it.

This happens when:

You visit our websites

When you visit our websites, we process data about your browser, your operating system, location, IP address and a few others to ensure the functionality of the website, the safety of the connection and an excellent surfing experience. We also process data for marketing partly with the support of service providers. For this processing we specifically ask for your consent.

  • What data: IP address, login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types, geolocation, operating system and version, clicking behavior, recurring visits, transaction data, use of third-party services
  • Purposes: Statistics, optimization, security, marketing
  • Legal basis: Legitimate interests, consent
  • Retention: session and up to 30 days (for detailed information please check our cookie information)

You call us or send us an email

We always welcome you to contact us, whether by web form, email or by phone call. In doing so, we process some of the data that belongs to you such as your name, surname, email address to meet your request and stay in touch. We will only share your data with third parties if this is necessary to process your request.

  • What data: Name and surname, company information, telephone number, email address, your request
  • Purposes: You getting in contact with us, answering questions, getting feedback
  • Legal basis: Contract
  • Retention: Until the purpose is fulfilled

We provide you with knowledge and information

When we provide you with free information and knowledge content, whether online or through our events, or when you participate in our raffles events or webinars, we request your consent to use your data for marketing purposes in return. When you subscribe to our newsletter, we only do so upon your explicit consent. You can revoke your consent at any point of time for the future.

  • What data: Name and surname, company information, telephone number, email address
  • Purposes: Explaining Schneider AI, relationship maintenance, marketing
  • Legal basis: Contract for providing free content, consent for marketing
  • Retention: 2 years or until consent is revoked

You are interested in Schneider AI’s services

If you are interested in our products and services in more detail, we offer you an expert appointment or a web demo. You can also test Schneider AI for free. For this purposes, we will of course process your contact data (e.g. email address, name, surname etc). If you then order and use Schneider AI, i.e. become our customer, we transfer the data to our customer base.

  • What data: Name and surname, company information, telephone number, email address, calendar items, bank account details for customers only
  • Purposes: Explaining Schneider AI, marketing, customer relationship
  • Legal basis: Pre-contract negotiations and contract
  • Retention: 2 years for interested parties, duration of customer relationship plus legal storage period for customers

You exercise your data subject rights

The privacy law gives you a number of data protection rights. We present these briefly further below. You can find more details in Art. 13 - 22 of the GDPR. If you want to exercise your data protection rights, please contact us. To ensure that you can exercise your rights we must process some of your data, such as name, surname, email address and some others, for example, to verify your identity and to reply to your request. This will generate further data about your person, which we will also process.

  • What data: Name and surname, address, telephone numbers or email addresses, content of the request
  • Purposes: Fulfilling your requests and legal requirements
  • Legal basis: Legal obligation
  • Retention: Two years

Trusted third parties who process your data

As part of our business operations and to provide certain services, we use service providers. This happens in marketing and customer support, for online surveys, chat and map services, display of videos, operating the website (cookie banner, security and provision), search in community posts and more. Do not worry though, we have concluded data processing agreements (DPA) with the service providers and when we transfer your data to third countries, we ensure that it is adequately safeguarded. This is achieved through either countries approved by the EU as safe (adequacy decision), specific approved contracts (standard contractual clauses), or by seeking your explicit consent when necessary.

Schneider AI may disclose personal data collected in the scope of this privacy policy to members of its corporate group (“Affiliates”) – where this involves a transfer of your data to third countries outside the UK/European Economic Area (“EEA”)/Switzerland , we will ensure that it is adequately safeguarded (see the International Data Transfers section below for more information). Schneider AI may also disclose relevant personal data if it is required to do so by law or legal process or in response to lawful requests from public authorities, including to meet national security, public interest or law enforcement requirements. 

Detailed Information on the services can be found in the settings options of the cookie banner, via the link "Cookie Settings" at the bottom of each page of the website or via this link: Cookie Settings

How we use cookies

Cookies are text information that is stored on your device via the internet browser. Cookies have distinct functions:

Essential cookies are necessary to ensure the functioning of the website. Without them the website would not work. For these we do not need consent. For all other cookies, functional cookies, marketing cookies and those to display maps or videos, we ask for your consent.

Detailed information on cookies can be found again in the same place as indicated above and via this link: Cookie Settings.

Be informed about your privacy rights

First, you have the right to be informed. This is the purpose of this privacy notice, but this is not all there is. You can exercise your right to information about the very data we process from you, the right to rectificationerasure or restriction of processing.

To do so, contact us or our data protection officer. Use the contact options mentioned below.

If you wish, you can obtain a copy of the data and you can also withdraw a given consent at any time for the future. Under certain circumstances, you can object to the processing of your data too. In particular, in the case of direct marketing or when we process data for our legitimate interests.

Lastly, you have the right to lodge a complaint.

EU, UK or Swiss individuals can report concerns to the following organisations: 

We prefer that you file your complaint with us, as we will make every effort to reach a resolution. Alternatively, you always have the option to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority at any time: Our competent authority is the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision, Promenade 18, D-91522 Ansbach, phone: +49 (0) 981 180093-0, email:

EEA -  You can find a list of supervisory authorities and their contact details for the EEA at 

United Kingdom - The Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) is the supervisory authority in the United Kingdom. Contact details for the ICO can be found at  

Switzerland - The Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (“FDPIC”) is the supervisory authority in Switzerland. Contact details for the FDPIC can be found at

Date of this privacy notice: 07-2024

Data Protection Officer

Schneider AI handles all data protection matters internally. For any questions or concerns regarding data protection, please contact us directly:

Schneider AI
Lichtenbergstr. 6
85748 Garching b. München

Data Subject Rights

You have the right to be informed. This is the purpose of this privacy notice, but this is not all there is. You can exercise your right to information about the very data we process from you, the right to rectificationerasure or restriction of processing.

If you wish, you can obtain a copy of the data and you can also withdraw a given consent at any time for the future. Under certain circumstances, you can object to the processing of your data too. In particular, in the case of direct marketing or when we process data for our legitimate interests.

Lastly, you have the right to lodge a complaint.

To exercise your rights please use this form.